Filing a personal injury claim can be overwhelming, especially if you have never filed. It’s hard to know who to trust. When you hire a personal injury lawyer, you will avoid making mistakes, including the five listed here. Can you reopen a personal injury case?...
Filing a Personal Injury Claim? Avoid These Five Mistakes
Filing a personal injury claim can be overwhelming, especially if you have never filed. It’s hard to know who to trust. When you hire a personal injury lawyer, you will avoid making mistakes, including the five listed here. Can you reopen a personal injury case?...
What Is a Settlement Agreement in a Personal Injury Case?
In the event of an avoidable accident due to the negligence of another party, you may benefit from a settlement agreement. When you search “What is a settlement agreement?” you will find all sorts of confusing information. This post will explain it in simple terms....
Can You Reopen a Personal Injury Case in Florida?
Can you reopen a personal injury case? Call Simmons Law Group at (407) 454-3000 for compassionate and knowledgeable legal guidance. After a personal injury accident, a victim may choose to file a claim against the at-fault party, seeking damages for past and future...
Frequently Asked Questions
Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae conse
Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae conse temora incidunt ut labore.